High Tech Cloth & Anti-Static Duster


Microfibre cloth and impregnated cloth to clean and care screens, lacquered surfaces and plastic items



Product information

Opt for this Duo Pack to clean fingerprints easily and avoid dust deposits for up to 14 days.

The High Tech Cloth is a microfibre cloth that clean and removes grease or fingers marks on screens/glasses/crystal/polycarbonate items. It is to be used to clean the items.

The Anti-static Duster is also a microfibre cloth, but with a special impregnation. He is providing an antistatic effect on lacquered surfaces, plastic objects and screens (up to 14 days dust free and roll-off effect for humidity). It is to be used as an after-care (once the objects have already been cleaned).

How to use the product ?

  • To clean the object, rub softly the screen, the crystal, the glass or polycarbonate surface with the High Tech Cloth.
  • After cleaning the surface, gently buff it with the Anti-static Duster.
  • The anti-static effect will prevent the deposit of dust on treated surfaces.


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